Blavatsky Calling

And I don’t wanna shout!


The Voice of the Silence



The Voice of the Silence by H P Blavatsky

An Eastern Spiritual Workout for the Western Mind



Explanatory Note 40


Every stage of development in Raja Yoga is symbolised by a geometrical figure. This one is the sacred Triangle and precedes Dharana. The TRIANGLE is the sign of the high Chelas, while another kind of triangle is that of high Initiates. It is the symbol "I" discoursed upon by Buddha and used by him as a symbol of the embodied form of Tathagata when released from the three methods of the Prajna. Once the preliminary and lower stages passed, the disciple sees no more the TRIANGLE but the — the abbreviation of the — , the full Septenary. Its true form is not given here, as it is almost sure to be pounced upon by some charlatans and — desecrated in its use for fraudulent purposes.






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