The Key to Theosophy



Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

1831 -1891



The Key to Theosophy


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky


Key to Theosophy Index



Theosophy is Not Buddhism



Q. You are often spoken of as "Esoteric Buddhists." Are you then all followers

of Gautama Buddha?

A. No more than musicians are all followers of Wagner. Some of us are Buddhists by religion; yet there are far more Hindus and Brahmins than Buddhists among us, and more Christian-born Europeans and Americans than converted Buddhists. The mistake has arisen from a misunderstanding of the real meaning of the title of Mr. Sinnett's excellent work, Esoteric Buddhism, which last word ought to have been spelt with one, instead of two, d's, as then Budhism would have meant what it was intended for, merely "Wisdom-ism" (Bodha, bodhi, "intelligence," "wisdom") instead of Buddhism, Gautama's religious philosophy. Theosophy, as already said, is the wisdom-religion.


Q. What is the difference between Buddhism, the religion founded by the Prince

of Kapilavastu, and Budhism, the "Wisdomism" which you say is synonymous with Theosophy?

A. Just the same difference as there is between the secret teachings of Christ,

which are called "the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven," and the later

ritualism and dogmatic theology of the Churches and Sects. Buddha means the

"Enlightened" by Bodha, or understanding, Wisdom. This has passed root and

branch into the esoteric teachings that Gautama imparted to his chosen Arhats



Q. But some Orientalists deny that Buddha ever taught any esoteric doctrine at


A. They may as well deny that Nature has any hidden secrets for the men of

science. Further on I will prove it by Buddha's conversation with his disciple

Ananda. His esoteric teachings were simply the Gupta-Vidya(secret knowledge) of the ancient Brahmins, the key to which their modern successors have, with few exceptions, completely lost. And this Vidya has passed into what is now known as the inner teachings of the Mahayana school of Northern Buddhism. Those who deny it are simply ignorant pretenders to Orientalism. I advise you to read the Rev. Mr. Edkin's Chinese Buddhism-especially the chapters on the Exoteric and Esoteric schools and teachings-and then compare the testimony of the whole ancient world upon the subject.


Q. But are not the ethics of Theosophy identical with those taught by Buddha?

A. Certainly, because these ethics are the soul of the Wisdom-Religion, and were once the common property of the initiates of all nations. But Buddha was the first to embody these lofty ethics in his public teachings, and to make them the foundation and the very essence of his public system. It is herein that lies the

immense difference between exoteric Buddhism and every other religion. For while in other religions ritualism and dogma hold the first and most important place, in Buddhism it is the ethics which have always been the most insisted upon. This accounts for the resemblance, amounting almost to identity, between the ethics of Theosophy and those of the religion of Buddha.


Q. Are there any great points of difference?

A. One great distinction between Theosophy and exoteric Buddhism is that the

latter, represented by the Southern Church, entirely denies (a) the existence of

any Deity, and (b) any conscious postmortem life, or even any self-conscious

surviving individuality in man. Such at least is the teaching of the Siamese

sect, now considered as the purest form of exoteric Buddhism. And it is so, if

we refer only to Buddha's public teachings; the reason for such reticence on his

part I will give further on. But the schools of the Northern Buddhist Church,

established in those countries to which his initiated Arhats retired after the

Master's death, teach all that is now called Theosophical doctrines, because

they form part of the knowledge of the initiates-thus proving how the truth has

been sacrificed to the dead-letter by the too-zealous orthodoxy of Southern

Buddhism. But how much grander and more noble, more philosophical and

scientific, even in its dead-letter, is this teaching than that of any other

Church or religion. Yet Theosophy is not Buddhism.







Key to Theosophy Index




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