The Key to Theosophy
Petrovna Blavatsky
The Key to Theosophy
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
The Septenary Nature of Man
Q. Is it what we call Spirit and Soul, and the man of flesh?
A. It is not. That is the old platonic division. Plato was an
Initiate, and
therefore could not go into forbidden details; but he who is
acquainted with the
archaic doctrine finds the seven in Plato's various combinations of
Soul and
Spirit. He regarded man as constituted of two parts-one eternal,
formed of the
same essence as the Absoluteness, the other mortal and corruptible,
deriving its
constituent parts from the minor "created" Gods. Man is
composed, he shows, of
(1) A mortal body,
(2) An immortal principle,
(3) A "separate mortal kind of Soul." It is that which we
respectively call the physical man, the Spiritual Soul or Spirit, and the
animal Soul (the Nous and psuche).
This is the division adopted by Paul, another Initiate, who
maintains that there is a psychical body which is sown in the corruptible
(astral soul or body), and a spiritual body that is raised in incorruptible
substance. Even James corroborates the same by saying that the
"wisdom" (of our lower soul) descendeth not from the above, but is
terrestrial ("psychical," "demoniacal," see the Greek text)
while the other is heavenly wisdom. Now so plain is it that Plato and even
Pythagoras, while speaking but of three principles, give them seven separate
functions, in their various combinations, that if we contrast our teachings
this will become quite plain. Let us take a cursory view of these seven aspects
by drawing two tables.
Theosophical Division of the Lower Quaternary
Sanskrit Term Exoteric Meaning Explanation
1.Rupa, or Sthula-sarira Physical body Is the vehicle of all the
other principles during life.
1.Prana Life, or Vital principle Necessary only to a, c,
d, and the functions of the lower Manas, which
embrace all those limited to the (physical) brain.
(c) Linga- sarira Astral Body The Double,the phantom body.
(d) Kamarupa The seat of animal desires and passions This is the
center of the
animal man, where lies the line of demarcation which separates the
mortal man
from the immortal entity.
Theosophical Division of the Upper Imperishable Triad
Sanskrit Term Exoteric Meaning Explanation
(e) Manas-a dual principle in its functions. Mind, Intelligence:
which is the
higher human mind, whose light, or radiation links the Monad, for
the lifetime,
to the mortal man. The future state and the Karmic destiny of man
depend on
whether Manas gravitates more downward to Kamarupa, the seat of the
passions, or upwards to Buddhi, the SpiritualEgo. In the later
case, the higher
consciousness of the individual Spiritual aspirations of mind
assimilating Buddhi, are absorbed by it and form the Ego, which
goes into
Devachanic bliss.
(f) Buddhi The Spiritual Soul The vehicle of pure universal spirit.
(g) Atma Spirit One with the Absolute, as its radiation.
In Mr. Sinnett's Esoteric Buddhism d, e, and f, are respectively
called the
Animal, the Human, and the Spiritual Souls, which answers as well.
Though the
principles in Esoteric Buddhism are numbered, this is, strictly
useless. The dual Monad alone ( Atma-Buddhi) is susceptible of
being thought of as the two highest numbers (the sixth and seventh). As to all
others, since that
principle only which is predominant in man has to be considered as
the first and
foremost, no numeration is possible as a general rule. In some men
it is the
higher Intelligence (Manas or the fifth) which dominates the rest;
in others the
Animal Soul (Kamarupa) that reigns supreme, exhibiting the most
instincts, etc.
Now what does Plato teach? He speaks of the interior man as
constituted of two
parts-one immutable and always the same, formed of the same
substance as Deity, and the other mortal and corruptible. These "two
parts" are found in our upper Triad, and the lower Quaternary (see table
above, ). He explains that when the Soul, psuche, "allies herself to the Nous
(divine spirit or substance *)), she
does everything aright and felicitously;" but the case is
otherwise when she
attaches herself to Anoia, (folly, or the irrational animal Soul).
Here, then,
we have Manas(or the Soul in general) in its two aspects: when
attaching itself
to Anoia (our Kamarupa, or the "Animal Soul" in Esoteric
Buddhism) it runs
towards entire annihilation, as far as the personal Ego is
concerned; when
allying itself to the Nous ( Atma-Buddhi) it merges into the
imperishable Ego, and then its spiritual consciousness of the
personal that was,
becomes immortal.
Buddhi is meant then and notAtma; philosophically speaking this
(Atma) cannot be called 'substance'. We count Atma as a human 'principle' in
order to not create yet more confusion. In reality it is not a 'human' but the
universal absolute
principle of which buddhi, the soul-spirit, is the vehicle.
translated note from Dutch translation - editor]
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